City Income or Property tax measure - additional content added Monday night (Jan 20)

News: City Income or Property tax measure - additional content added Monday night (Jan 20)

What is the best course forward? 
Are Huber Heights residents interested in a town hall or internet discussion on this issue?
Prior to Feb 5th City council will likely vote to place a tax levy on the ballot for May. The only General Session meeting schedule before then will be held Jan 27th. Now is the time to become informed on the issues that makes council believe this is the best way forward.  It is also the time to provide your input on this…

Internet or Town Hall

For myself, Internet based information sharing is a great idea. People may not be able to make a lot of the town hall meetings due to work, school functions and other obligations but may have time to read an article and comment in between these things. Town hall is good but it does limit the input you get from probably half the citizens in Huber.
I prefer the Internet based comments/discussion as well.

Internet or Town Hall

I would suggest using both and let the people decide what works best for them.  Gather the input, present it to
City Council and let the citizens feel their opinions and questions are valued.  I would also encourage each and every
citizen to contact their local representative and voice their thoughts and ideas on any tax issue the city may have.

Phone Survey

Well since internet survey's are out of the question, per Tyler Starline's fb comments, can our city send out paper survey's to every resident of Huber and ask for their opinions?  It would be totally up to them to send it back but at least the city did everything they could to accommodate everyone's needs.  I find it strange that someone posted the number for the city to ask these questions to directly but when the city was called, no one there knew what the caller was talking about.  Especially since there is a letter circulating all over the web about this survey.

City income tax and "voting for raising other people's taxes"

The fact that 70% of the revenue from city income tax comes from non-HH residents who work here is not really relevant to whether a HH income tax increae "costs us more".

Of course it does. That 70% business is due to all the Miami Valley taxing districts having the reciprocal agreements that if your work city withholds city tax, you can take credit for that portion of your HH liability. It works both ways for the other folks as well.

So, long ago, I worked in Kettering, who withheld more than the HH liability.  Too bad for me.

Later, HH had the same rate - it was a wash.

Now, HH rate is higher by a little bit, so when I file I get credit for the Kettering withholding, and I pay the "little bit" difference to HH.

If HH raises the rate, of course I'll pay the increased difference.

Net result is unless your work city's rate is higher than the HH rate (not likely) you are paying the HH rate (some to your work city and the rest to HH).

Also, if it is an income tax hike, the increased revenue goes to the city, not some mysterious mix of school district, TIF formulas, etc.

Furthermore, more or less everybody pays an income tax, not just home owners. (I know, I know, renters have property tax passed along in their rent - sometimes - not very transparently - and many renters probably don't think about that.)

Just my 7 cents worth (inflation dontcha know)
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