02 - Mark Campbell indicates cost of recreation facility will be about $6 million

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9th October 2013, 7:02 am

On the day Huber Heights city council revealed to the residents they planned on building a recreational facility (Mar 14, 2011) councilman Mark Campbell indicated we should get an Aquatic Center, Playground, tennis courts, trails, a dog park and an Amphitheater all for about $6 million.

Watch the entire council meeting from the city's website  Mar 14, 2011

Oct 2013 Status:  The city has not provided a cost summary so sometimes you'll hear me call it the $12 million recreation facility.  Sometimes you'll hear me call it the $10 million Aquatic Center.  To the best that anyone can tell:

The Aquatic Center including the purchase of land cost about $10 million.

The Amphitheater cost about $1.5 million.

The fields in back of the YMCA had some grating done - calling them soccer fields is pretty generous.

To date there are no tennis courts, trails or a dog park.