Inappropriate Executive session leads to more wasted money

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I listened to the 4 August work session. At the end they went into executive session. with the stated reason of "considering options in purchasing property for public purposes". This of course is not listed as one of the Permissible Discussion Topics found in the Ohio Sunshine Laws, Open Government Resource Manual.

Turns out the discussion led to the hiring of a real-estate consultant at an outrageous fee.

You can read the agreement they decided to pursue after the executive session (of course there is no record of why they made this decision since that was all done in secret).  Click here to go to the city website and view the agreement:

This article in the Dayton Daily News provides more insight:  Huber Heights hires consultant to help deveolop land on Brandt Pike by Bonnie Meibers.  In this article we find out the counsultant is Eric Joo.  This is the same person that Mr. Schommer, decided to give $24,000 without telling most of council after meeting with him, Councilman Seth Morgan and Councilman Campbell.  We also see the intention is to pay Mr. Joo $5,000 for six months.  

You can hear the motion at the end of the meeting - 46:20 into the 49:10 meeting

I am looking at the rules for executive session on page 116 of this document:

