School Board Funding Workshop Sat Dec 8, 2012 at Studebaker.

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The school board and administration have been holding meetings trying to figure out what to do about the school budget shortfall.  This is another event.  It looks like we will find out structure and agenda items when we get there.  Below is the meeting notice copied from the City Schools website.  Again, it wasn't easy to find and does not appear on the calendar or upcoming events. 

Funding Workshop

The following suggestions have been generated by individuals attending Board Workshop Sessions, Staff Meetings, and through Community communications to the Superintendent. The purpose of the list is to generate ideas. Not all suggestions will be able to be implemented due to compliance with State and Federal laws or other limitations.

Concerns Shared (PDF)

Priorities Shared (PDF)

Reduction Ideas (PDF)

Revenue Ideas (PDF)

Next Board Workshop is Saturday, December 8, 2012, at Studebaker Cafeteria, 9 a.m. Community invited to participate.

