Citizens on Patrol Unit known as P.R.I.D.E.

Tonight at the Council Meeting we are going to recognize Citizens that participate in the Police Departments PRIDE program.  I've copied the agenda item announcement because it gives good detail on what the program is about and how you can get involved.  

Agenda Item Description or Legislation Title
Huber Heights Police Division P.R.I.D.E. Recognition Presentation - Police Chief Mark Lightner and Sergeant Chuck Taylor

Purpose and Background
Police Chief Mark Lightner and Sgt. Taylor will be recognizing the contributions of P.R.I.D.E. to the City and the Huber Heights Police Division.

The Police Division is proud to announce the Citizens on Patrol Unit known as P.R.I.D.E. (Proud Residents Improving Daily Enforcement).
The program is a volunteer group of private citizens that assist the Huber Heights Police Division (HHPD). Their duties include assisting at crash
scenes, crime scenes and assisting disabled motorists, to name just a few.
Members are trained in police procedures via classes taught by police personnel, and various agencies connected with law enforcement.
The PRIDE training academy lasts approximately five weeks and is conducted at the Police Division Community Room. Classes are held Tuesday
and Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm to 9:45 pm, and Saturday mornings 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. In addition, trainees spend time riding with officers,
and spend several hours in the Communication Center to observe the dispatchers performing their duties such as taking 911 calls and dispatching
police officers and fire/EMS units.

Upon successful completion of the academy, the trainees graduate and receive their uniforms and equipment. PRIDE members perform assigned
duties in pairs. Prior to graduation the trainees must establish a partnership with another trainee or a current PRIDE member without a partner.
PRIDE members must volunteer four (4) hours per week for patrol. However a PRIDE member is encouraged to assist, when summoned, above
and beyond the required four hours at fire/accident scenes, weather related traffic details or other emergencies as needed. Members must also be
prepared to assist at community events.

To be a PRIDE member, you must be a resident or a business owner in the city of Huber Heights, possess a valid Ohio driver’s license and be at
least 21 years old, and possess a High School diploma or equivalent. Members are required to submit to a background check, and an oral
interview, prior to being accepted. Completion of the Huber Heights Citizens Police Academy is strongly recommended.
Call or email Sgt. Charles Taylor for more information at (937) 237-3556 or Officer Ed Savard at (937) 237-3567 or by email.
PRIDE members have no power of arrest and do not carry firearms or weapons on duty.

