Music Center Sponsorship Council meeting discussion

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Though tonight's meeting seemed pretty chaotic it boils down pretty simply.
Before reading the VIP sponsorship contract I thought the VIP section concept consisted of individual ticket purchasers having the option of also buying the experience of using the VIP section.  In this concept if it turned out that all the people in the VIP section were all associated with one family or company it was because that family or company purchased all the individual passes to get into the VIP section.  During the council meeting the City Manager conveyed that this was they way that the VIP section will work.
After reading the VIP sponsorship contract it is obvious that it lays out a concept where for each event the entire VIP section is rented out to a single family or business and the individuals in the VIP section are there because they were invited by the family or business.  During the council meeting the City Attorney confirmed this is the way he understood the VIP section would work when he wrote the contract. 
Both of these methods of operating the VIP section could be a feasible way to generate a decent amount of income over the sponsor fee.  However, the second method would add almost no additional income over the sponsor fee if the sponsor was able to claim the VIP section for its exclusive use for most performances.  While the first method still lets us collect VIP fees for all but 10 people. 
The discussion turned into chaos tonight because even though the discussion was leading into an intellectual decision it was also a vetting of the issue which  got other council members on edge, unfortunately once they gained the floor they decided to rush into a vote that put the city into a disadvantageous fiscal position and also resulted in adoption of a contract that does not represent the intentions of any party involved today.  Hopefully, it isn't the intention of future assigned parties either should the leadership change in the next ten years.           
You can check out the Sponsorship Contract yourself.  The crux of this issue is on the last page.  Look at the last two sentences of the first paragraph, the third paragraph and the fourth paragraph. If the city means for the VIP section to be used they way I thought before I read this agreement I would have expected this sentence, "In addition to the above the Sponsor shall have the right to enter the VIP Section for any performance."  Instead I'm confused why, "the Sponsor shall have the right to reserve the VIP Area".  And I'm left to wonder, do individual ticket holders pay catering costs or do they pay for concessions? 

I wouldn't be Tom McMasters if I didn't offer another item to ponder.  Going back into the main document you will see it contains a section entitled Exclusivity.  For ease I'll copy the section:
Exclusive Rights.  The Naming Rights granted to the Sponsor are exclusive to the Sponsor.  Notwithstanding the above the parties recognize that the Sponsor will not be exclusively using the VIP Area for its own use for every event and MEMI will be leasing the VIP Area to others for their use.  In doing so whoever the user is for any given event will be identified as occupying the "Circuits and Cables VIP Area". 
I'd try to analyze the English but that would take me most of the night.  But the two things I'm looking at are "for every event" and wondering why it is in the middle of the sentence.  Also, in the last sentence why use the singular "user" unless it was to signify a family or business that rented the entire VIP section?  But then again I don't have to analyze the English, the author already told me he composed it under the impression that the VIP section would be rented by one user.  

