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Your search for “"first"” gave approximately 5 results:

News: 5 items of interest on the Nov 26, 2012 Council Agenda

The Huber Heights City Council meets 26 November 2012. There are about 50 items on the agenda so it will be a full night. Below I identify a few of the items I think most citizens should watch in order to make sure council conducts educational discussions about how decisions are made. I recommend you also look over the rest of the agenda items to see if any of them deal with things that you…

News: Filing date for running for Council and Mayor is Feb 6, 2013

I received a call from the Board of Elections yesterday.  The correct date for filing petitions to run for Mayor or City Council is Feb 6, 2013.  I do not know why the date was moved 15 days earlier than the first date that was put out but I heard it may have been a calculation error by one of their employees (as opposed to the state moving the date). 

Also in an earlier post I wrote that…

News: New City Manager & other agenda items for Jan 28th council meeting

The agenda for Monday's Council Meeting is posted on the city's website on the Meeting Information and Audio page  Don't forget you can watch the meeting live over the internet (the link only works during the meeting) or you can watch a recording once it is posted a couple days after the meeting. Of course you can always go to city hall Monday night and participate.

As the article title tells…

News: Thomas' first blog post

This is a neat way to write out my thoughts

News: Big money for Music Center and Thomas Cloud on Council agenda

The agendas for the City Council Meeting 7pm Monday April 22, 2013 and the City Planning Commission 7pm Tuesday April 23, 2013 can be found on the city's website.  I can't attend either this week because I will be in meetings for work.  I appreciate your participation on our behalf. 

The major item Tuesday at the Planning commission is a Public Hearing about the Basic Development Plan and…

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