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Your search for “"numbers"” gave approximately 2 results:

News: 5 items of interest on the Nov 26, 2012 Council Agenda

The Huber Heights City Council meets 26 November 2012. There are about 50 items on the agenda so it will be a full night. Below I identify a few of the items I think most citizens should watch in order to make sure council conducts educational discussions about how decisions are made. I recommend you also look over the rest of the agenda items to see if any of them deal with things that you…

News: Rose Music Center Financial Reports:

I am glad to see the city published the 2017 and 2018 Music Center Financial Reports as part of the March 5, 2018 work session read ahead materials[1].  People keep telling me they wish that I were still mayor.  There are a couple things that drive those discussions to the possibility of changing the City to a Strong Mayor form of government and me to serving as the first strong mayor. 

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