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Your search for “"work"” gave approximately 2 results:

News: Door to door - Tree cutters

I made the mistake of hiring "All Trees" to cut down the Ash tree that was in front of my house. Bryant came to the door soliciting work for the company.  The two other times I had tree cutters do work in my yard I put everything in writing and I made them give me copies of their insurance.  With this company, I was sloppy in having him write out the work - and even then they didn't do what…

News: Raise Council Pay by 560%!

This Monday Council will vote themselves a pay raise.  Though I believe these council members are grossly overpaid for the quality of work they perform, I argue that they are not raising it enough to pay for the quality we need. 

In what range should we set pay for a city council member?  First, I will address my friend and city podcaster, Matt Truman’s contention that dedicated public servants

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