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Your search for “"years"” gave approximately 3 results:

News: Another exciting city project & did the city really borrow $18 million last year?

Last night, Dec 4th, city council members received a presentation on another exciting project for the city.  However, this presentation was done in executive session.  As a reminder Ohio's Sunshine law tells us that in order to go into executive session to discuss the purchase of land the council must believe that "premature disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive or…

News: City Manager's complaining about my blog post

The City Manager and Mayor made references to two of my earlier posts (Rose Music Center Financial Reports & Deceitful Spin - hiding a $5,000 fee increase) during the Feb 5th discussion on the Rose Music Center update.  You should watch that discussion not only because it will help you understand why I addressed council on Monday, but also because there are some other points made during that discussion

News: Council discusses blackmailing the school district out of $400,000

Back in 1996 the City went to the citizens and asked them if they could convert the privately held water company to a City owned utility.  As part of that takeover, the City and the School District came to an agreement where the School would

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