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Your search for “application” gave approximately 2 results:

News: Help Wanted:  Mayor, Council members and School Board members

If anyone is interested in becoming Mayor, a member of city council or a school board member of Huber Heights, you must file your application prior to February 6, 2013 (updated filing date). There are 3 council positions and 3 school board positions available. The application process for Mayor and City Council requires you file a nominating petition with at least 50 signatures and addresses of Huber Heights registered voters.

News: Notes from Public Works Dec 4, 2012 meeting

  • State Route 4 – Speed Limit Increase  -- The city is on the way to change the current speed limit in the section near I-70 from 50mph to 60mph
  • United Water – Not To Exceed Amount
  • City Water and Sewer Projects -  During discussions council mentioned there exists a chart that ranks possible city water projects.  This should be available from city staff if you ask for it.  If you get a copy

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