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Your search for “state” gave approximately 5 results:

News: School Levy details discussed Thurs at Wayne - updated post meeting

Update  (21Dec12)- also see comments after the post;

There was a big turnout at Wayne Thursday evening.  The Board chose to table the school administration's recommendation on $6.3 million of cuts.  The board chose to ask the voters to approve a 9.95 mil propery tax increase. Ms. Gunnell will respond to the State's letter by the Dec 31st deadline.  In that response she will tell the state the school

News: Filing date for running for Council and Mayor is Feb 6, 2013

I received a call from the Board of Elections yesterday.  The correct date for filing petitions to run for Mayor or City Council is Feb 6, 2013.  I do not know why the date was moved 15 days earlier than the first date that was put out but I heard it may have been a calculation error by one of their employees (as opposed to the state moving the date). 

Also in an earlier post I wrote that…

News: State releases report cards for area schools

  • Posted 23rd August 2013, 9:11 am
  • By Janell

Nice Job Huber Heights City Schools!  I wouldn't be asking for any new levies anytime soon with these kind of grades.  JMO!

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