Citizens interested in City Council
30 Nov 2011 w/ 2 Dec Update Homepage
Budget Discussion in Administration Committee Meeting (Post Meeting)
Thursday 1 Dec 2011 City council met to discuss the city budget and possible income tax levy. You can watch the video of the meeting on the City of Huber Heights website. If you have not already done so read the Pre-Meeting write-up for context and then come back up here. Before you start reading - the city finance director told us there were six funds getting earmarks. I do not know three of them and it hurts this article. But we did get a funds report.
One of the resolutions will ask residents to allow the city to re-allocate current income taxes. The re-allocation is necessary because some of that tax money is going into funds that have strong reserves. This will give council the ability to appropriate all the revenue from the income tax in the most efficient manner. People that would be against this measure would be those concerned with those funds that currently get the earmarks. For instance the streets fund is currently guaranteed to get a portion of the income tax. If this measure passes then all the income tax revenue goes into the general fund then council decides how much will get allocated to the streets department. So if you are really worried about the funding level of the streets department and you think council will really mess up the allocation then you wouldn't want to vote for this measure. On the other hand, the current way the taxes are earmarked have made it so that the streets fund has a very large reserve while the police and fire funds are quickly depleting theirs. This resolution holds the best chance of keeping the city's taxes as low as possible. But it will mean that citizens need to pay attention and make sure they give council proper feedback on how they should be spending our money.
There also is another part of the first resolution - in Dec 2015 some of the current tax will expire (.18%) this resolution contains language that will make this .18% permanent. The majority of this .18% is currently earmarked for police and fire services. If this first resolution passes this earmark would also go away. This should be less of a concern for those worried about fire and police because there are not enough earmarks in the current tax cover all the expenses of the fire and police department and council already has to allocate general funds to the fire and police departments. If this measure does not pass and this .18% expires at the end of 2015 then things get really messed up. This is because the earmarks would still be in place for the streets fund (and other 3 funds) but there would be very little money in the general fund to allocate to the police and fire.
Budget Discussion in Administration Committee Meeting (Pre-Meeting)
Thursday 1 Dec 2011 City council meets to discuss the 2012 budget and the proposal to increase the income tax rate by .25%. This is the second meeting on this subject. The first meeting was Monday and we learned the Income tax is expected to generate $1.6 million a year. we learned the city is down to $3 million in reserves and the if reserves fall below $2 million this may effect the city's credit rating. There were some off hand remarks about the sewer fund containing $7 million that gave the impression that that the $7 million was reserve funds and that within the 46 separate funds there may be as much as $30 million in reserve. The statement was made that it would be difficult to transfer these reserves so that it can be used more generally. With this background and the packet posted for the agenda I sent an email containing the following information asking for council and city finance to provide additional information during the meeting.
Update - the city did provide a funds report that gave some information about the 4 items above.
Council Member contact information
Video of the Dec 1 Administration Committee meeting
My write up on the funds report distributed during the Dec 1 Committee meeting.
Administration Committee meeting agenda