This is why I am voting against the incumbent for Council at Large

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Twenty minutes after telling us about the project; City council spent $3.7 million dollars to purchased 51 acres of property.  At the time they told us they were going to purchase the property, they authorized the City Manager to spend up to $250,000 to hire firms to figure out what they want to do with it. Hidden in the City Manager report of the October 8 work session are all the public details of how he intends to spend the first $67,000. 

The issue I have with this report is that there is no written report given to council and the public.  Furthermore the verbal report does not include many details about the qualifications of the company.  It does not tell us what projects they have completed.  There is no comparison of the qualifications of this company with the other companies that were considered.  Additionally, the work that city plans to have them do is kind of listed.  Kind of listed does not work for me.  At the end of the verbal briefing not one member of council asked for any of the needed information.  Nor did they ask the city manager to provide a cost comparison for public record. 

There is not one member of council that represents me or cares about providing the transparency necessary in order for us to get good value for our tax dollars.  That is why I will be doing my part to give someone else the opportunity.  Perhaps she can do better. 

Here is the link to the “discussion” above as found on the city website.

Here are the minutes from that work session. 
Compare this process with the useful information provided during the search for the energy aggregation company


Council Work Session


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AI-4232 Topics of Discussion         
Meeting Date: 08/16/2016  
Energy Aggregation Program Consultant - Contract Award Recommendation - Energy Alliance
Submitted By: Janet Schoening        
Department: Engineering Division: Engineering    
Council Committee Review?: Council Work Session Date(s) of Committee Review: Ongoing    
Audio-Visual Needs: None Emergency Legislation?: No    
Resolution No.:

Agenda Item Description or Legislation Title
-  Energy Aggregation
Purpose and Background
City Staff is providing a recommendation for Energy Alliance to be the electric aggregation consultant for the City of Huber Heights.  The reasons for recommendation for Energy Alliances are attached along with the legislation for Council approval.  

Also attached are the latest correspondence related to three of the consultants and additional information including:
-  Energy Alliances Apples To Apples Comparison Chart
-  Energy Alliances Correspondence
-  Schneider Electric PowerPoint Presentation
-  AGE Correspondence - Mayor McMasters indicates that the attached email from AGE to Councilmember Nancy Byrge contains an excellent overview of load analysis.
-  City Manager - Consultant Information Summary

City Staff and any attending consultants will be able to answer any questions concerning the selection process at the Council Work Session.

Fiscal Impact
Source of Funds: N/A
Cost: N/A
Recurring Cost? (Yes/No): N/A
Funds Available in Current Budget? (Yes/No): N/A
Financial Implications:
Staff Recommendation - Energy Alliance
Energy Alliances Apples To Apples Comparison Chart
Energy Alliances Correspondence
Schneider Electric PowerPoint Presentation
AGE Apples To Apples Comparison Chart
AGE Correspondence
City Manager - Consultant Information Summary


