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Your search for “"Road"” gave approximately 6 results:

News: Auction - Huber Heights City Schools  Jan 12, 2013

I noticed an ad in Huber Heights Courier announcing the Huber Heights School Auction and went to the website :


Location/Directions: Take I-70 to exit 36 (OH-202) and turn south at ramp onto 202 and go approximately 1 ¼ miles to east onto Chambersburg Road and to auction site at Old Wayne High School, 5400 Chambersburg Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424. (Plenty of

News: Post Committee meeting notes Mar 20, 2013

Here are the meeting agenda's and links to the read aheads.  I've added some post meeting notes.    In last weeks Council meeting there was a presentation on the music center.  You can watch the video recording of the meeting

1   Name of Body:              Administration Committee
2   Date:                           March 20, 2013
3.  Time:                           6:00 PM
4. Place:

News: City Manager's complaining about my blog post

The City Manager and Mayor made references to two of my earlier posts (Rose Music Center Financial Reports & Deceitful Spin - hiding a $5,000 fee increase) during the Feb 5th discussion on the Rose Music Center update.  You should watch that discussion not only because it will help you understand why I addressed council on Monday, but also because there are some other points made during that discussion

News: Reducing traffic congestion on Chambersburg and Fishburg Rds

Ward 1 Community meeting
Response to question about Chambersburg Road
During the recent Ward 1 community meeting a resident asked about improvements to the west sides of Chambersburg and Fishburg Roads.  Your council members correctly remembered

News: Council discusses blackmailing the school district out of $400,000

Back in 1996 the City went to the citizens and asked them if they could convert the privately held water company to a City owned utility.  As part of that takeover, the City and the School District came to an agreement where the School would support

News: Road improvements on Old Troy before Riverside, Office Building vs Gas Station, Executive Session

I am sure that if I had listened closely to the Aug 8th Work Session I could come up with more items to address.  However, I was scrubbing walls and didn't catch everything.  You might know that I am running for council and will be on the ballot in November.  Here are a couple take aways from what I heard while listening this morning. 

I don't know why council is wasting staff's time discussing

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