ACTION ALERT! - Music Center, Tues. May 7- Admin Committee

News: ACTION ALERT! - Music Center, Tues. May 7- Admin Committee

There will be an Administration Committee Tues, May 7, at 6:00 pm. On the agenda will be the upcoming Music Center. There is a concern that the process to find a contractor to build the music center may follow the same pattern of the Aquatic Center: Project Manager Tim Conaway would talk to two or so companies he thinks may do a good job and have them submit packages to him. He then evaluates them and recommends his pick to the council. Conaway's company apparently would get a percentage of the settled-on price…

Notice of competitive bidding

Read the statute a lil closer, please. The first sentence of the statute you link to says "(A) When a COUNTY contracting authority uses competitive sealed proposals…" (All caps added for emphasis). Look at the statutes around it too. They all talk about COUNTY not MUNICIPAL governments. One does NOT automatically apply to the other.

Oops is correct!

Oops is right.  I actually posted the wrong link.  I will try to come back and put the correct link.  Thank you to "oops" for clearing that up for me ;)
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