Another exciting city project & did the city really borrow $18 million last year?

News: Another exciting city project & did the city really borrow $18 million last year?

Last night, Dec 4th, city council members received a presentation on another exciting project for the city.  However, this presentation was done in executive session.  As a reminder Ohio's Sunshine law tells us that in order to go into executive session to discuss the purchase of land the council must believe that "premature disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive or…

City to build a New Music Center

Tonight Monday Dec 10th 2012 the residents will learn about a proposed Music Center the city plans on building.  Five minutes later council will spend $100,000 in order to commision a study that will tell them to commence with a project they already know they are going to vote to approve.  

I'm sure I'll be disappointed in that no one from the public will address council asking them why it is appropriate that the residents find out about these items just before the city starts spending money on them.

If you are interested in expressing support or displeasure arrive at city hall (6131 Taylorsville rd) a few minutes before the meeting starts at 7 pm and fill out the form requesting to speak.  If you want to speak before council authorizes the funds that probably won't be possible since this is on the agenda prior to when council recognizes there are people that desire to address council.  But you can attempt to fill out the form to speak on agenda item 6B.  Or you can fill out the form to speak during citizens comments.  

Last edit: by Tom_McMasters

DDN Reported Music Center Friday the 7th

I was talking with my neighbor yesterday and he told me he thought he had read in the Dayton Daily News prior to Monday that the city was planning on building the Music Center.  I looked tonight and there was an online post Friday evening that talked about the Music Center.

Not sure why on Tuesday it was a super secret that the public couldn't listen to the presentation given at the Administration Committee meeting but then on Friday council could release it to the newspapers but I am glad that it did make the papers Friday and the residents got a little heads up prior to Monday's vote.
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