Brandt Pike revitalization, Bike paths and Roundabouts

News: Brandt Pike revitalization, Bike paths and Roundabouts

The City currently has a Request for Proposals out to companies that want to bid on helping to develop a plan for revitalizing the Brandt Pike Corridor.  The bids are due Dec 3rd so if you know of a company that does this kind of work have them look at the proposal criteria.
One idea that I heard from a resident awhile ago was to try and make the interior residential neighborhoods between…

Brandt Pike Corridor

Actually Tom I had and have many ideas. I even have passed some of those on to city staff. As usual they were brushed off and I was even told that the concepts did not fit Huber Heights. I recommended this 40 year old organization that does Community revitalization all over the Globe. But I guess that alone is not good enough.
Also Tom there is actually suppose to another $50,000 from when the city "allocated" funds for a committee for South of 70. But that was just to take the Big Lots Property
So if you add it up it's over $50,000
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Bike Paths


Thanks for the links you passed on Facebook.  One of them led me to this Department of Transportation summary and report from August 2015;  

Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding, Design, and Environmental Review: Addressing Common Misconceptions

This is useful in helping identify Federal sources of funding and also addressing the positive benefits of encouraging active transportation, which is another way of saying walking and bike riding.

One of the articles you passed summed these up this way.  

"Beyond the benefits of improved health and reduced traffic congestion, cites whose residents are physically active will also see significant economic gains – with higher property values, improved academic performance, and increased local trade, for example. "

Hamburg NY roundabouts - a success story

My sister who still travels through Hamburg almost daily sent me a message saying I should cite Hamburg as a great success.  She didn't know I already wrote a Facebook pointing out that traffic flows much better but I wouldn't have put roundabouts there because trucks seemed to have a hard time. As it turns out trucks driving in the red brick apron is not an example of them "having a hard time" negotiating the roundabout. It was the way the roundabouts were designed. Here is a great article Huber Jeff sent my way showing my sister was right in pointing out Hamburg as a success story.   

Restoring Vitality and Value: Case Study Hamburg NY

Last edit: by Thomas McMasters

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