Huber Height's Parenting Skills on Communication

News: Huber Height's Parenting Skills on Communication

  • Posted 12th January 2013, 7:08 pm
  • By Marianont

I often wonder what's right and what's wrong, and if there really is a right and wrong. Then I go into politics, and it just confuses my twenty-one year old mind. With politics I feel that everyone seems to be competing for their own ideals and never for for the people's ideas or beliefs. Then there are those politicians who are neither; in fact those politician are "parents". These "parents" view

I find your comments interesting and true.  I too feel "brushed" aside.  If you're not agreeable to the councilmembers then you're labeled a "busybody".  Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Last edit: by Tom_McMasters

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