
The Rose Music Center Concerts as of 27 Mar 2015

The full schedule for the Rose Music Center can be found at:  I recommend buying tickets at the box office if you can.  

Music Center Box Office - 6800 Executive Boulevard

Monday - Friday
11:00AM - 5:30PM

Rose Music Center Schedule as of 27 Mar 2015

Do you want more Bike Paths?  Do you think we will need to upgrade…

Do you think we should have more Bike Paths in Huber Heights?  Are you opposed to the one expected to go in on Chambersburg to Rt 4?  Do you wonder if we could have had a traffic circle instead of a stop light at Chambersburg and Belfountaine?  These kind of inputs are what the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission would be interested in hearing at their Public Participation Meeting to be held Thursday April 16, 2015 from 4:00 to 6:00pm at 10 N Ludlow Street Suite 700 Courthouse Square in Dayton.

Aquatic Center Contract award based on friendship

This past week council decided to award the Aquatic Center Management contract based upon their desire for friendly relationships instead of on performance and cost.  The result is that the city will likely pay $20,000 or more per year than the city needed to pay in order to get equal or better performance.  I also question whether it makes sense to bend over backwards to keep friendly…

Why don't you run for City Council

Though I still hope that we will see good business decisions from this council this year, it only makes sense that I should transition to the November election so that we can make sure we see them eventually.   Petitions are due Feb 4th.  I'm hoping you are working to make sure we get quality candidates on the ballot.   Here are some reasons why.

This past year I asked our City Manager to…

Mayor Campaigns for School Board - and Wins

Mayor Campaigns for School Board - and Wins
This was the headline I suggested for the Dayton Daily News article that ended up being titled "Huber mayor's flyer blasted".  Here is the information that makes my suggested headline much more appropriate than what was chosen (I list points first then I back them up with references later in the artice).
1.  Back in May as part of the 2025 plan…

Another TIF / Music Center Discussion

I was reading Facebook and saw a discussion on the Music Center and then progressed into TIF.  I participated and thought I would copy relevant comments here because Brandon made some good points that allowed me to bring up other information people should know.  My comments are in black, his in blue.

Brandon posted:

This is my understanding: a TIF district diverts all property tax (above the current tax level) to a special fund that can be used for updates that impact that TIF district. Th

New School Board Member - With post campaign thoughts

During this campaign we had three qualified professionals step up to be considered.  You can look at their introductions in the comments section below this post.  The opportunity to fill the open position is past.  The next opportunity will be to file next August to be on the ballot next November (2015).  I've kept the original post.  After that I added some fresh thoughts.  Don't forget to look and the Candidate intros and encourage them to pursue a seat through election. …

Election Day is Tuesday - which is the best polling place to shake…

Election day is Tuesday.  Polls are open on Election Day from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

You can find your polling place at:  

Montgomery County

Miami County

I picked up my League of Women Voter guide at City Hall this afternoon.  The DDN Voter Guide can be found HERE.  I entered 6934…

Resignation effective 31 Dec 2015 resume office on 1 Jan 2016

Not sure how WHIO reported it but I did ask Alan Scheafer tonight, "what would happen if I announced that I intended to resign effective Dec 31, 2015?  Would the Board of Elections schedule a mayoral election for next year with the primary in May 2015 and the general election November 2015.  If so would I be eligible to run?  

If this is how it would work then I would be willing to announce a Dec 2015 resignation and then run in the May 2015 primary and November 2015…

Marigold Festival Sept 2013  

The Marigold Festival will be held Sept 13, 2014.  Admission and Parking are free to the public.  Click read more below to see the vendor maps.  The announcement on the City Website can be found by clicking here  The times for the live performances should be available there soon.  I'll be there so come out and say hello. 

Attractions for the day:

  • Jim Bucher- Guest Emcee
  • Dayton Demonz-

​Aquatic Center Costs

I've heard a lot of comments and received some inquiries about the Aquatic Center over the last few weeks.  Over the last couple months council has been provided a running total of the number of attendees at the aquatic center this year.  These numbers have been much closer to last years numbers than they have been to the first year's attendance numbers. 
We've heard a lot of rumors and seen…

Another television appearance!

Well - my picture was on WHIO and the DDN quoted the report in their article.  This report was about the recall effort and after viewing it someone made a Facebook post.  It is because of that Facebook post that I've composed this article.

After seeing the news report Bill made this Facebook response. 

Tyler, I have a question for you. The mayor of Huber apparently stated that he would address

Have you been duped into believing the Mayor is "just" a figure head?

According to the City Charter the Huber Heights Mayor is the most influential member of council with the most duties and responsibilities.  Even though the rest of council inappropriately stated the Mayor doesn't get a committee vote, this doesn't change the fact that the Mayor gets to vote on Legislation and that the Mayor's legislative voting privileges are always more powerful than any…

Get the Mayor to buy you a Donut and Coffee

Wednesday July 2 any time between 7:00 to 8:30 am, if you are willing to sit down and talk with me for 5 minutes, I'll buy you a donut and a cup of tea at Tim Hortons Donuts. 
Marylin laughs and tells me I'll be lucky if there are four people in all of Huber Heights that want to sit down and talk politics at 7:00 o'clock in the morning.  I do the math in my head and think, "that leaves 8 donuts for me --…

Every Warrior Plays 5k - I'm planning on (running???) July 26, 2014

___Update____ 15 July 2014 ___ Tomorrow is last day to ensure T-Shirt ___ Also read about post race lunch_________

I received this message via my Mayor's email address from Sheri Combs
Just a Reminder.......Some important dates are quickly approaching!!!!
This Wednesday, July 16th at midnight – Deadline to register and guarantee a t-shirt.  Registration can still be done on-line after Wednesday

​Finally something to debate – DDN article; Huber mayor is recall t…

Last Monday night's council meeting highlights one of my main frustrations.  I've been stating specific instances where we could be making better decisions, for instance Monday I pointed out that we are telling people, "pass the levy or we will have to cut police and fire", yet we've committed to opening the Music Center even though we haven't got one dime in the budget to advertise concerts,…

SBA Offers Disaster Assistance Affected by Heavy Rainfall, Strong W…

Chief Ashworth passed council the notice below concerning disaster relief for the May 21-22 flooding.

Release Date:  June 6, 2014                                                                             Contact:  Michael Lampton
Release Number: 14-253, OH 14019/14020                                               Email:…

Fire Department flood responses

City Manager Rob Schommer passed us this report from Chief Ashworth:

The Big News was the flooding that occurred Wednesday night. We recently 
upgraded some of our aging equipment and increased our training which clearly paid off. We 
did, however, ran out of staffing even after calling in overtime and had to prioritize calls. 
Fortunately there were no injuries nor loss of life. Here is a breakdown of the events…

Mayor annoyed by hiring process

The main point of the article I intend to write is a lesson learned for all future Mayor's.  If you get elected and you have a political rival on Council you should initiate a conversation sooner than 4 months into office.  Believe it or not 4 months into office and even though I have been sincere in my offer to sit down and talk I hadn't taken the initiative and arranged that conversation.

Tune in for a lively Council Meeting Monday April 14, 2014

Council meets tomorrow, Monday April 14, 2014.  I expect it to be a long meeting with plenty of entertainment value.  This is a pleasant way of saying last week was particularly frustrating.  I'm also disappointed that again this week,  I didn't get the opportunity to post responses to outstanding questions.  I will address at least one in this article.  Remember you can watch the meeting…

Bethel Schools Facility Plan - Meeting

I received an email indicating On Monday, April 14th, the Bethel school board will have open forum discussion from 6-6:50PM at the High School Library.  It will be followed by a regular school board meeting at 7:00 pm.  Below you can find a notice about a May 4th presentation on the preliminary planning for the new school facilities. Below that is a picture of the proposed site.

Invitation to

Update:  Executive Sessions - committees can discuss the agenda ite…

UPDATE:  Tuesday the Administration Committee voted to nominate Mr. Schommer for permanent City Manager.  The process the voting members of the Administration Committee implemented last Tuesday was to tell Mr. Schommer to meet with the City Attorney and construct a contract.  He was told to have it ready for Monday's Council meeting so the full council could vote on it.  The committee did not give either Mr.

March thoughts and recap - Another $621

Well, I got paid again last month so I thought I should write out a little of what's been going on.  This month I'll talk about the dichotomy of cats and trailers, the difference in my in audience perception of the Council Presiding Officer and my performance as the Presiding officer. Why I'm glad to see both community blogs and letters to the editor.  I also think I should outline what…

Tennis Anyone?

Thomas and I have been playing some tennis.  Makes me wonder if there is a group here in Huber that plays.  The schools have new tennis courts so that will free up the Thomas Cloud Courts a lot more this summer.  It would be nice to join a group that has a tennis challenge ladder system.  If there isn't such a group are you interested in being part of a group that plays?

If you don't know…

Take those dam stickers off your car

Before I talk about my congressional ambitions........

Upcoming Events

April 1st – Early/Absentee Voting Begins

April 7th – Registration deadline [9pm] for Primary Election (you can register to vote and vote on the same day until April 7th)

May 6th – Primary Election
Montgomery County Board of Elections Miami County Board of Elections
Address for early voting:
451 W. Third Street 

Does the City pay $22,000 (or $12,181) toward the cost of each hous…

I looks like the reason houses in Carriage Trails sell so fast is because the city is paying for a lot of the construction costs.  Is this smart since some of the money the city is using would normally go to pay for police and fire service?  Is this a smart choice since we have other builders in town willing to pay all their taxes?  Do the houses in Carriage Trails contribute more to the tax base or are the services they receive being paid for by other sections of Huber…

The Mayor is an Athlete? Hah

Wednesday the Harlem Wizards will play School Staff and Community leaders in a fund raising game for Huber Heights City Schools.  I'll be there in a Jersey and I plan to score at least 4 points.  This means I'll be taking at least 70 shots (so don't tell any of my teammates I'd hate to get benched before we even start).   

Harlem Wizzards vs Huber Heights City Schools

Thomas Cloud Restroom  & Concession Monday  - Who Pays?  and its Ba…

Public Works Committee meeting schedule Monday March 10, 2014 at 5:30 pm.

       Held just before the regular council meeting so Council can vote on a contracts during the Regular Council meeting. Agenda and read ahead 

Come out Monday and hear what could be the last discussion before contract award of the new Thomas Cloud concession stand and…

If the School's agreed to it, why won't you leave the Alcore TIF is…

I've heard at least 5 plausible reasons why the school agreed to the Alcore and Family Dollar TIF's and why they are not joining me in asking for the legislation to be changed. I want the legislation changed so the schools receive 100% of what they would normally receive from the taxpayer passed levies and inside millage.  I'm not going to try and guess which of these 5 explanations are…

Committee Meetings - Energy Aggregation

The agenda's for next weeks committee meetings have been published.  The read aheads for the Public Safety and Public Works Committees can be found on the City WebSite here.  The most interesting item so far is the Energy Aggregation item.  

Aggregation is when a group of customers join together to form a single, larger customer that buys energy for its members.  Read the pamphlet, found as…