Community Dialogue:  Judicial Reform  Thursday, July 14, 2016, 7 - 8:30 PM Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 4475 Old Troy Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424 presented by the  Dayton Unit NAACP

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Here is an event that I look forward to attending this Thursday here in Huber Heights.  As part of my Congressional Campaign I've been meaning to write about some changes in the Ohio Judicial system I would be willing to work to achieve.  Since Lawyer logic is nonsensical, my proposal would be to eliminate the requirement that judges have a law degree.  In fact, my proposal would limit the number of lawyers to 30% and the rest of the judges would come from professions where if people fail to follow logic then bridges fall or patients die.  A better system would make it so that at least 70% of judges had advanced degrees in engineering, science, math, finance and the medical professions.  That way we could eliminate a lot of the incomprehensible decisions that come from the lawyers in our courts today and replace them with decisions from professionals that know how to think logically in order to build and heal.  My interest in judicial reform stems largely from an economic perspective and making sure that the system is impartial to all that seek justice.  The sponsors of this event were prompted by a different and in many ways even more compelling reason for reform but with the same underlying goal of ensuring the system is impartial to all that seek justice.  I'm interested in hearing their proposals on how to make progress on this goal.  It would be great to see a good turnout from the Huber Heights community.

The Dayton Unit NAACP Presents Community Dialogue:  Judicial Reform  Thursday, July 14, 2016, 7 – 8:30 PM Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 4475 Old Troy Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424

In Partnership with American Business Women Association (ABWA),

Polaris Chapter of Huber Heights

Sponsored by Ohio Voice and the Piper Foundation

Here is an article with more of an introduction and background


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