News archive
TIF and Ms. Brock
Monday night Ms Brock spoke Monday at the City Council meeting and was quoted in the Courier. You can watch the her comments from the city's website. Citizen comments occur after the presentations of keys to the city and other accolades for service well done. My wife tells me I should have posted my comment to the article here on Here it is.
School Board Member Anita…
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Council Meeting Dec 9, 2013 and Emergency Legislation
The agenda and read aheads are available for the Monday Dec 9, 2013 meeting. The biggest items on the agenda are 12G and 12H. 12G tells us Mr. Dave Studebaker turned in his resignation and 12H tells us Chief Schommer will be the interim city manager starting December 27th. Also, lets talk Emergency Legislation. There are other interesting items but I will let you review them by clicking the…
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How about a Music Store in Huber?
Friday while my kids and I were out buying a uculele I was bouncing a Music Store idea off my kids. This morning I was reading the online addition to the DDN and see that Hauer Music is moving all the way down to Washington Township making a Huber Music store even more viable.
This will be a quick post since I really have a lot of things I want to write and chores I need to do. For…
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Music Center Web Cam is up
From the city's web page you can see it here
This is a still photo that shows that it worked this morning.
This link may take you there directly, though I'm having network problems and can't confirm this.…
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Income (maybe property) Tax marketing firm
I am disappointed that the read ahead for next week's committee meetings are not yet posted. I did get the agenda's as an email last week. I'll post further below. But since the read ahead are missing it gives me the opportunity to address agenda item F from the 25 Nov 2013 Council meeting.
"A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Seek Out And Present To Council For Its Consideration…
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2014 City Budget discussion
Last nights Administration Committee meeting included a discussion of the draft 2014 budget. The short version is available on the city website. I've scanned and posted the larger version of the draft budget. Sorry it is not searchable (and it is 11mb). The city finance director has again this year warned council that there is a systemic problem with the budget (we are spending more than…
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Yes, it looks like I will be Mayor
From the Montgomery County Board of Election Website. The Election Results show that Mark Campbell was re-elected Large, Tom McMasters was elected Mayor and the School Levy did not pass. In Miami County the Mayoral race was 91 McMasters 69 Fisher, for Council at Large 80 Hamilton, Campbell 66. See the full Miami County results.
Though is a…
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Huber Home Rental makes national news - Homeowners should be concerned
Update - here is a quote from the November 7th addition of the Dayton Daily News that help clarify the article I wrote originally.
Hedge fund cuts back on request
Investment group seeks less tax relief on Huber Heights units.
"If approved, the appeals would cut the company’s property taxes and would require the return of as much as $524,668 in 2012 tax revenues already…
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City taking more School & less county money than we thought
City to take $1.7 million dollars of the school's money from just one TIF property.
Updated - I re-read section (F) of ORC5709.40 and believe I misinterpreted the exemptions for the library, park and Human Services levies. This edit changed the calculation to reflect library, park and Human Services exemptions from TIF.
Monday night during the City Council meeting the Assistant City Manager…
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How much do TIF Funds cost the schools?
TIF funds are modified property taxes. The money in a TIF fund is money that normally would be paid to the schools, police and fire funds, libraries, parks etc.
My son and I went to the Montgomery County Auditors webpage found the tax levy distribution breakout and then created an Excel file so that we could calculate how much of the money the new Family Dollar (Brandt pk) and the new…
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Tuesday agenda's Music Center, Debt Financing, $9,450 Marketing Video
Update to time lapse video. At the Oct 22, 2013 administration committee meeting we learned that the contract for the construction project contained money for site pictures and security video. The city has chosen to combine these funds with the time lapse funds. This will allow them to do the time lapse, security and site pictures all through the same vendor. With all these combined the…
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Election Day Nov 5th, Early voting now
This election Huber Heights has two contested races; Mayor and Council at Large. There is also a Huber Heights City school levy on the ballot in Montgomery County. There are Bethel Twp, Pleasant Hill/ Newton Twp Fire,Troy-Miami Library, and Forest Hill Cemetery Levies in Miami County. Hope I got them all but I only looked up a couple of addresses of friends of mine. Check your own using the Cox Media group voters…
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Rushmore Parent Group Watch D.O.G.S. held organizational meeting Oc…
Rushmore Principle Mrs. Molfenter and Mike Baumgartner presented information on a nationally recognized parent group called Watch D.O.G.S. The event was attended by at least 50 Dads, Granddads and Uncles. With sponsorship from the Rushmore PTO this looks like a program on the way to bring more men into the schools during the school day.
Background: WATCH D.O.G.S. invites fathers, |
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DEC makes tax payment, City Celebrates
Update: At the Oct 22, 2013 administration committee meeting I asked where the $1.8 million dollar payment would be going. At this time council hopes that it can be put into the general fund. I was mistaken in calling this a TIF / Tax payment in the original article. See the Oct 8, 2012 agenda item for better insight on why the developer paid the city:
An Ordinance Authorizing The |
Huber Heights fully committed to Music Center
Council voted to authorize the $12 million contract for the Music Center Building Package on Monday. To date there has been no public discussion that shows council members have seen or understand the financial impact to the city. The Music Center Validation study available here at has not be published by the city and the content raises concerns about the operation and revenue expectation.
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Admin Committee meeting notes from Sept 4, 2013
I requested through FOIA the financial reports that show what council used to determine if we had enough money to pay for the Aquatic Center and the Music Center. I was given the answer to that request at the beginning of the meeting. I posted them here.
Music Center Update:
- There was a discussion on the color scheme. The project manager recommended using the color scheme that has appear
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State releases report cards for area schools
Nice Job Huber Heights City Schools! I wouldn't be asking for any new levies anytime soon with these kind of grades. JMO!
To search the State's database go to:…
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Music Center Feasibility Study
You can now download the Music Center Validation Study Report.
I've been campaigning for 8 months to get any of the council members to request city staff post the reports done in preparation of building the Music Center on the city's website either as news or better yet as part of a meetings agenda or minutes. I've asked them to make the original report done by the city finance and…
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Admin Committee notes Aug 20, 2013, Public Works Committee Cnx
Here are some of the notes I took from the Administration Committee yesterday 20 Aug 2013
The Music Center project manager started the meeting showing council some renderings (pictures) of some of the architectural features. I missed the absolute beginning of the presentation so I wasn't in the meeting when it was stated definitively but I gather from subsequent comments that the plan is to…
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School Levy - Yes or No
I'm sitting down about two weeks before election day for the school levy and thought I would write out the reasons I see for and against the levy.
At first glance it would seem that there couldn't be anyone more likely to vote for the levy than me. I have four kids in Huber Heights City schools and another about to enter. I have the resources to send them to private school but I keep…
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School Levy Election day was Tuesday Aug 6th.
From the WDTN website:
Huber Heights Schools Levy | ||
Updated: about a minute ago | Precincts reporting: 100% | ||
Percent | Votes | |
Against | 60% | 3,462 |
For | 40% | 2,287 |
Hello All,
Remember the special election for the School Levy is on the ballot for August 6th. Early voting ended Friday so now you have to vote on elections…
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Door to door - Tree cutters
I made the mistake of hiring "All Trees" to cut down the Ash tree that was in front of my house. Bryant came to the door soliciting work for the company. The two other times I had tree cutters do work in my yard I put everything in writing and I made them give me copies of their insurance. With this company, I was sloppy in having him write out the work - and even then they didn't do what…
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Trash Hauling update - Jun 24th Council Meeting
The agenda and read ahead for the Jun 24th council meeting is available: The meeting contained an update to the Trash Hauling implementation. If you missed it you can watch the video available on the city's website. Trash hauling presentation starts about 4 minutes into the video. See what day your trash is being picked up. Section 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday etc.
Recycling is cost…
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Trash Hauling Presentation at Monday's Council Meeting - Jun 10th
July 1st all the single family residents in Huber Heights will be required to use Republic Waste Services as their garbage collector. One of the first agenda items (last) Monday will be was a presentation to provide information on the transition. I watched the first portion live via the city's website. For some reason there was a lot of buffering this past week. If you miss it Monday you…
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Huber Heights Community Open House Saturday, May 18, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013 11 am to 5pm
The Kroger Aquatic Center 8625 Brandt Pike Huber Heights, OH |
Save the date for this fun event. More details will be posted on the City's Facebook Page as they are announced.
Free Admission, Free Food, Contests, Meet Community groups and partners
- Pool Safety Day at the YMCA 2-4PM
-Tours of the YMCA faciltiy 2-4 PM
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Public Hearing on Music Center & who is going to talk about the Hea…
Sorry, I'm late posting about tonight's City Council Meeting. This will be a quick note as well.
The agenda and read aheads include the city incentives to Good Sports.
The full downloadable .pdf packet is also available.
Here are a couple of the interesting things I see:
Citizen Comments - I wonder how many people will come and speak about the Heat Nightclub.
Item 11B is a Public…
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Heat Nightclub Shooting
Judge rules to allow City of Huber Heights to keep Heat Nightclub closed WDTN Report 28 May 2013
State responds to "heat" from police WDTN Report 28 May 2013
Court orders nightclub closed for next 2 weeks WHIO May 14
City to proceed with a statutory nuisance process against the Heat Nightclub Huber Heights Courier May 13, 2013
There was a…
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Human Trafficking Growing At Alarming Rates!
In light of the recent events that have put Ohio in the national spotlight, I would like to take a moment and share with you information about Human Trafficking that I learned at an in-service just over a year ago from Dr. Anthony Talbott an Associate Professor, Department of Political Science at UD . Though, let me make very clear that I am in NO way involved with this case and I do NOT know any facts, other than what the main stream media is putting out there.
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PSA Montogomery County Prosecutor Office
Please take a minute and look at the upcoming events for our county. Thank you!
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ACTION ALERT! - Music Center, Tues. May 7- Admin Committee
There will be an Administration Committee Tues, May 7, at 6:00 pm. On the agenda will be the upcoming Music Center. There is a concern that the process to find a contractor to build the music center may follow the same pattern of the Aquatic Center: Project Manager Tim Conaway would talk to two or so companies he thinks may do a good job and have them submit packages to him. He then evaluates them and recommends his pick to the council. Conaway's company apparently would get a percentage of the settled-on price…
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