No read-ahead for Tuesday's City Budget discussion

Tuesday November 18th at 6:00 pm the Administration Committee will meet. The location is different than usual, it will be in the Police Community Room.  The police station is behind City Hall at 6121 Taylorsville rd.  The reason the meeting has been moved is because there should be a lot of interest in the main agenda item;  The 2015 City Budget. 
This morning I was cleaning my bathroom.  As an aside, I do need to plug Everything Huber Heights because I learned there that mixing dishwashing soap and vinegar works really good at cleaning the calcium from the glass shower enclosure.  While cleaning I was thinking about drafting an article summarizing my first year as Mayor.  I was thinking about goals that were set and which were achieved. 
One of my goals was to make sure council and residents could get useful information prior to the committee meetings so we could come prepared for the discussions.  While thinking about this it dawned on me that I hadn't even considered opening the read-ahead for the Administration Committee meeting yet.  If I had been successful in my goal I'm sure I would have panicked at trying to figure out when it would be possible to fit in the 4 or 5 hours that would be needed to go through a well prepared package.  Instead, I continued to clean while drafting this article in my head.  It turns out that I'm not quite as bold as some people might think.  In the first draft it was my plan to not open the read-ahead until after posting the article.  While cleaning I was 95% sure there wouldn't be any useful information in the read-ahead.  When I actually sat down to write though I had to check. 
Hope to see you there.  Too bad we can't come prepared.  But at least my bathroom's clean. 

Break Break---------
Let the Clerk of the Council know if you plan to come Tuesday.  I'm hoping that the presentation materials will be converted to a searchable .pdf file and made available to download for those that bring Laptops, Ipads or Kindle Fires to meeting.  The City does have a guest wifi login that could be used if these documents were put online at the last minute.  If you are really committed to coming but aren't planning to bring an electronic device, you could also request that paper copies be made for your use so you can follow along during the meeting.  


