Another television appearance!

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Well - my picture was on WHIO and the DDN quoted the report in their article.  This report was about the recall effort and after viewing it someone made a Facebook post.  It is because of that Facebook post that I've composed this article.

After seeing the news report Bill made this Facebook response. 

Tyler, I have a question for you. The mayor of Huber apparently stated that he would address some people's concerns IF they get enough signature's to place recall vote on the ballot. Why does he not address these concerns NOW and possibly save the citizens of Huber some money?

I made a couple of responses including:

Bill - ???????? I'm sure I've had some conversations where residents haven't liked my position. However, I don't recall our conversation where I've made the statement conveyed in your post. If anything most of the complaints I've heard are from people that would rather I didn't communicate my thoughts as often as I do. Let me know specifically which concerns warrant more attention and I'll try and make a specific post so all can be made aware of my thoughts.

 Bill - I have just viewed (thanks Brick City Watchdogs for finding this) and see the genesis of your statement. To that particular item, WHIO gave me a call and said they were covering the story because they had been contacted by the group and told they had enough signatures to file the recall petitions. They invited me to come down to city hall and give my reaction on camera and possibly talk about my contributions as Mayor. I had not heard from anyone in the city that the petitions had been filed and indicated to the reporter that I was inclined to wait until that actually happened before providing an on camera response.

Additionally, I'm exceptionally pleased to see the emphasis on the TIF discussion. I've been thinking this past week that I should put together an all inclusive article and then make sure as many people in the city have the opportunity to review it, discuss it and get a fuller understanding of the mechanics. That should be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Until then you can see that I did address this issue the last time this group made the news and although I provided many details for them to argue they have not engaged in a discussion which offers details that address or counter the details I provide. Instead they just keep repeating he doesn't understand.…

Bill - I've been begging in every forum possible for this group or any to engage in an intellectual discussion about TIF. I understand it is a complicated issue and it is possible I am reading the law incorrectly. However, given the lack of willingness by other officials or concerned citizens to engage in an exchange of the details each party believes is most relevant to the discussion means that I am satisfied my presentation of the issue is the best available to the public. This lack of engagement by these parties also prevents my presentation from improving. Thanks for the opportunity to engage.


