News archive
Another television appearance!
Well - my picture was on WHIO and the DDN quoted the report in their article. This report was about the recall effort and after viewing it someone made a Facebook post. It is because of that Facebook post that I've composed this article.
After seeing the news report Bill made this Facebook response.
Tyler, I have a question for you. The mayor of Huber apparently stated that he would address…
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VA Healthcare Benefits
I received the following letter with contact information for Veterans eligible for VA benefits.
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Union Negotiations
I personally believe that having full disclosure of the negotiations provides the public the best insight into the complexities of the job…
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Young Marines - Boot Camp
The Yound Marines meet in Huber Heights at St Peters. Contact information is at the bottom of the flier.
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Have you been duped into believing the Mayor is "just" a figure head?
According to the City Charter the Huber Heights Mayor is the most influential member of council with the most duties and responsibilities. Even though the rest of council inappropriately stated the Mayor doesn't get a committee vote, this doesn't change the fact that the Mayor gets to vote on Legislation and that the Mayor's legislative voting privileges are always more powerful than any…
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water bill
I received my water bill, this month and it has doubled, I have no leaks, and I do not understand why my bill has doubled for this last cycle, does anyone have any suggestions!
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Get the Mayor to buy you a Donut and Coffee
Wednesday July 2 any time between 7:00 to 8:30 am, if you are willing to sit down and talk with me for 5 minutes, I'll buy you a donut and a cup of tea at Tim Hortons Donuts.
Marylin laughs and tells me I'll be lucky if there are four people in all of Huber Heights that want to sit down and talk politics at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. I do the math in my head and think, "that leaves 8 donuts for me --…
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Help with Electric Costs
I thought I would re-post this article:
We're pleased to announce that the Summer Crisis Program, which provides electric bill payment assistance to eligible families, will begin Tuesday, July 1 and continue through Sunday, Aug. 31, or until funds are depleted. Community Action Partnership will provide assistance to households with incomes up to 175 percent of the 2014 Federal Poverty Guidelines…
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Has the city really been running a $2.3 million dollar deficit the…
I walked into the Ward 3 meeting this evening and I caught the last of the discussion where a friend of mine bought up the balances shown in 2014 budget projection of the balances for the Unencumbered Cash in the General, Police and Fire funds.
If you attend the Ward meetings or listen to the City's 2025 plan you will hear that the city has been on average running a $2.3 million deficit…
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Every Warrior Plays 5k - I'm planning on (running???) July 26, 2014
I received this message via my Mayor's email address from Sheri Combs
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Music Center - another Million Dollars in Construction Costs
From the Administration Committee meeting Tuesday Jun 17, 2014.
Council intends to add an additional $1 million to the Music Center construction cost Monday night. The two additions are a VIP Tent / reception / parking area and upgrades to the concession stands.
The VIP tickets may be presented to sponsors, purchasers of box seats and possibly season ticket holders. Additional to the…
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Finally something to debate – DDN article; Huber mayor is recall t…
Last Monday night's council meeting highlights one of my main frustrations. I've been stating specific instances where we could be making better decisions, for instance Monday I pointed out that we are telling people, "pass the levy or we will have to cut police and fire", yet we've committed to opening the Music Center even though we haven't got one dime in the budget to advertise concerts,…
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Speaking notes and News Coverage of Music Center Contract
I've posted the notes I used when I spoke Monday. I follow that with the observations I passed to city staff concerning the management agreement. Also local media outlets attended the council meeting. I'll be posting links as I find them.
Here is the WDTN report: Here is the report
Watch the video…
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SBA Offers Disaster Assistance Affected by Heavy Rainfall, Strong W…
Chief Ashworth passed council the notice below concerning disaster relief for the May 21-22 flooding.
Release Date: June 6, 2014 Contact: Michael Lampton
Release Number: 14-253, OH 14019/14020 Email:…
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Levy Ordinance and Music Center Management Contract on Monday's age…
The agenda and read ahead for Monday's General session are on the City Website. The two main items I hope you read and consider providing input on are the Ballot Ordinance for the November Income Tax Levy and the Music Center Management Contract.
Remember if you chose to speak Monday Night you have two options. When filling out the request to speak you can chose to do it as Citizen…
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Lets Build Our New Firehouse the way we Promised.
In case you missed it, below you can find the letter to the editor I wrote and was printed in the Huber Heights Courier. Twice already this week I've heard the City Manager say that it would be irresponsible too commit to buiding a Firehouse, yet in the same week he recommends we sign a $225,000 dollar a year, unbreakable for ten years, contract to a management company to run the Music Center.
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Fire Department flood responses
City Manager Rob Schommer passed us this report from Chief Ashworth:
The Big News was the flooding that occurred Wednesday night. We recently
upgraded some of our aging equipment and increased our training which clearly paid off. We
did, however, ran out of staffing even after calling in overtime and had to prioritize calls.
Fortunately there were no injuries nor loss of life. Here is a breakdown of the events…
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Couple of Special Meetings next Tuesday ( Admin Committee, Water an…
Here is a heads up that shortly the city should announce a couple of specially added meetings to next week's schedule both on Tuesday:
Looks like at 5:00 pm the Administration Committee will meet to discuss the Music Center management contract. This will be the first time council members get to see it and it will allow for discussion in two committee meetings. I commend Mr. Schommer and Mr. Campbell for giving us this…
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Ward Locator, Ward Map and Council Members
Ward Map
To view the Huber Heights Ward Map, please click here or scroll to the bottom of the page.
The map will open with the road names to small to read. If you zoom in the road names will become readable. I recommend downloading the PDF and then opening because zooming is faster.
Ward Locator / Zoning Locator
Enter a street number, street name, city, zip code, owner name or parcel id…
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Income Tax Levy .25% instead of .35% but what's the cost?
Tuesday the Administration Committee meeting contained a brief referred to as the city's 2025 plan. The plan was explained during the May 12th Live Chat. A recording of the Live Chat is presented on YouTube. I've posted a link to that presentation at the end of this article. I recommend watching.
The key plus of this brief is that the proposed tax levy is now expected to be .25% instead…
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WPAFB pools will be open to the public
I received this email message from Col Barlow
Mayors and City Managers,
It's official! We have received official approval from the Air Force to open our pools to the Miami Valley Community. As many of you know, this is something that has been in the works since last September and I'm glad that we are at a point where we can now execute a plan.
While we are still working some logistic issues,…
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Petition for the raising of backyard chickens
Hello Mayor Tom,
Below is a link to a petition I created to allow the raising of backyard chickens in Huber Heights. I am aware of the code but wanted to take the pulse of the community to see if it's worth the time to try to amend the ordinance. Gauging from the response to the petition, it is apparent that many citizens in our community have an interest in raising chickens for fresh eggs. The petition has already reached 50 signatures in less than 24…
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Council Meeting - Real-estate agreement, Concession Stand, Sewer Ba…
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Mayor annoyed by hiring process
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Tune in for a lively Council Meeting Monday April 14, 2014
Council meets tomorrow, Monday April 14, 2014. I expect it to be a long meeting with plenty of entertainment value. This is a pleasant way of saying last week was particularly frustrating. I'm also disappointed that again this week, I didn't get the opportunity to post responses to outstanding questions. I will address at least one in this article. Remember you can watch the meeting…
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Bethel Schools Facility Plan - Meeting
Invitation to
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Update: Executive Sessions - committees can discuss the agenda ite…
UPDATE: Tuesday the Administration Committee voted to nominate Mr. Schommer for permanent City Manager. The process the voting members of the Administration Committee implemented last Tuesday was to tell Mr. Schommer to meet with the City Attorney and construct a contract. He was told to have it ready for Monday's Council meeting so the full council could vote on it. The committee did not give either Mr.
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March thoughts and recap - Another $621
Well, I got paid again last month so I thought I should write out a little of what's been going on. This month I'll talk about the dichotomy of cats and trailers, the difference in my in audience perception of the Council Presiding Officer and my performance as the Presiding officer. Why I'm glad to see both community blogs and letters to the editor. I also think I should outline what…
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Tennis Anyone?
Thomas and I have been playing some tennis. Makes me wonder if there is a group here in Huber that plays. The schools have new tennis courts so that will free up the Thomas Cloud Courts a lot more this summer. It would be nice to join a group that has a tennis challenge ladder system. If there isn't such a group are you interested in being part of a group that plays?
If you don't know…
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Take those dam stickers off your car
Upcoming Events
April 1st – Early/Absentee Voting BeginsApril 7th – Registration deadline [9pm] for Primary Election (you can register to vote and vote on the same day until April 7th)
May 6th – Primary Election
Montgomery County Board of Elections | Miami County Board of Elections |
Address for early voting: 451 W. Third Street |
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